KAWASAN INDUSTRI JABABEKA I, Jl. Jababeka VI B, Blok J, Kav. 7D, Harja Mekar, Cikarang-Bekasi 17530. Telp (021) 8934525, Fax. (021) 89837073

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Proses yang ada di PT. TMI

4 komentar:

  1. tingkatkan kreativitas mu dan semoga sukses kedepannya,,,

  2. Slamat pagi
    Apakah bisa bantu unguk proses hardent baja ukuran
    Tinggi 1600 mm x lebar /diameter 650mm pak...

  3. I'm Абрам Александр a businessman who was able to revive his dying lumbering business through the help of a God sent lender known as Benjamin Lee the Loan Consultant of Le_Meridian Funding Service. Am resident at Yekaterinburg Екатеринбург. Well are you trying to start a business, settle your debt, expand your existing one, need money to purchase supplies. Have you been having problem trying to secure a Good Credit Facility, I want you to know that Le_Meridian Funding Service. Is the right place for you to resolve all your financial problem because am a living testimony and i can't just keep this to myself when others are looking for a way to be financially lifted.. I want you all to contact this God sent lender using the details as stated in other to be a partaker of this great opportunity Email: OR WhatsApp/Text +1-989-394-3740.

  4. Kepada Yth,
    Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan Perusahaan


    Dengan Hormat,

    Perkenalkan kami dari PT. Jontsan Samudera Express, merupakan perusahaan International Freight Forwarder yang melayani jasa pengiriman barang Import dan Domestics. Kami dapat mehandle jenis-jenis barang berupa, Mesin, Pompa Air, Besi Baja, Pipa, Spare Part, Genset, Garment, Elektronik dan barang lainnya.

    Service Kami PT. Jontsan Samudera Express :

    - Customs Clearance

    - Undername

    - Borongan Resmi

    - Door to Door Service

    - Domestik

    Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai tarif atau biaya yang diperlukan untuk pengurusan Import, silahkan menghubungi kami:

    Thank You & Kind Regards

    Niko Mahendra

    Hp/Wa : 0813 8636 4875


    Gedung Agnesia, Jl. Pemuda No. 73B, Kel. Jati, Kec. Pulong Gadung

    Kota Adm Jakarta Timur 13220 - Indonesia

    Tlp : 021 - 8925 2887

    Fax : 021 - 8993 2047

    Email :
